The resources page will soon be updated. For now you can browse for ideas from last year here or watch the recordings from the live events here

Season of Creation Resources

Deepen your Season of Creation experience by taking advantage of these free resources.
Your Season of Creation event will have a bigger impact if the community is engaged and inspired. We invite you to use these resources to share the word with your church, invite the bishop or other regional authority to join the celebration, and even take the word to audiences outside your church by reaching local news outlets.

Please feel free to use and adapt these materials any way that suits you.

“Future generations will never forgive us if we miss the opportunity to protect our common home. We have inherited a garden; we must not leave a desert for our children.”

Joint statement from Pope Francis, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury.

Promotional Resources

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Sample flyer
Ejemplo de volante
Modelo de panfleto
Esempio di volantino
Season of Creation 2023 symbol
Símbolo del Tiempo de la Creación 2023
Símbolo do Tempo da Criação 2023
Simbolo del Tempo del Creato 2023

Season of Creation 2023 prayer card

Tarjeta de oración del Tiempo de la Creación 2023

Cartão de oração do Tempo da Criação 2023

Preghiera del Tempo del Creato 2023

Season of Creation 2023 one-pager invitation to join the Season
Invitación de una página a unirse al Tiempo de la Creación 2023

Folheto de convite para participar do Tempo da Criação

Volantino di invito a partecipare al Tempo del Creato
Season of Creation blog–editable draft
Blog del Tiempo de la Creación – borrador editable
Rascunho editável de blog para o Tempo da Criação
Tempo del Creato blog–bozza modificabile
Season of creation 2023 Celebration Guide
Guía de celebración del Tiempo de la Creación 2023
Guia de Celebração do Tempo da Criação 2023

Guida alla Celebrazione del Tempo del Creato 2023

How to celebrate Mass for Creation, by LSM

Cómo celebrar la Misa por la Creación, por MLS

Como celebrar a Missa pela Criação, por MLS
Come celebrare la Messa del Creato del MLS.
Comment célébrer la Messe pour la Création selon le MLS

Season of Creation 2023 video launch

Vídeo lanzamiento del Tiempo de la Creación 2023

Vídeo de lançamento do Tempo da Criação 2023

Video di lancio del Tempo del Creato 2023

Season of Creation logo
Logotipo del Tiempo de la Creación
Logotipo do Tempo da Criação
Logo del Tempo del Creato

“The Season of Creation is the annual Christian celebration to pray and respond together to the cry of Creation: the ecumenical family around the world unites to listen and care for our common home, the Oikos of God.”

Rev. Dr. Cynthia Moe-Lobeda, 
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary

Liturgical Resources

Sermon notes

by Preaching for God’s World (English only)

LSM Prayer Book
Libro de oraciones del MLS

Livro de Orações do MLS

Libro di Preghiere MLS
Eglise Verte webpage on Season of Creation

Songs and hymns from Doxecology


Italian Bishops’ Conference online resources on Season of Creation

Scottish Eco-Congregations
Creation Groans: Liturgy in Arabic,from A Rocha International

Reflections on creation care published by Reformed Worship

 “The world humans have known, enjoyed, and celebrated is changing rapidly beyond repair. Biodiversity is being lost at a rate not seen since the last mass extinction”.

Rev. Dr Jerry Pillay, World Council of Churches General Secretary

Advocacy Resources

#PrayingForYou Campaign
Campaña #RezamosPorTi

Campanha #OrandoPorVocê


Universal Declaration On The Rights Of Rivers

Declaración Universal de los Derechos de los Ríos

Declaração Universal dos Direitos dos Rios

Faith in the Climate: Reflections on climate change for religious communities, for Evangelicals, Catholics, Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, and religions of African origin

SAVE CHILDREN’S LIVES: Responsible banking survival guide

Rise Up, Pay Up! For Loss and Damage

by Christian Aid

Statement of the Ecumenical youth to ecumenical leaders

Faith toolkit by the Interfaith Rainforest Initiative for Ba’hai, Buddhism, Catholicism, Evangelical, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Protestant

(link to different languages can be found in this link)

Fossil fuel non proliferation treaty: Faith Letter to sign

(links to different languages can be found in this link)

Every part of creation matters: a discussion paper

by the European Christian Environmental Network published by the Conference of European Churches (CEC) in partnership with 

ACT Now for Climate Justice! Everyone is invited to follow news about ACT’s global Climate Justice advocacy year round on Twitter @actclimate and Facebook /actclimate

Activities for individuals and churches

Christian Aid resources for youth engagement: Letters for creation

Renew Our World resources

The environmental crisis and the Christian responses by A Rocha France

Faith and climate change: talking with people of 5 major faiths

Eco Church by A Rocha UK

Creation care resources for children and youth by A Rocha France

Green Anglicans Sunday School materials on caring for Creation


Green Living Resources by A Rocha Canada

Resources for practical life on creation care by A Rocha France

Christian Aid Sunday School project

Rich Living – Small Group Resource Series by A Rocha Aotearoa NZ

Living Paradise Garden: Resources and Links by A Rocha Suisse

Thank you for your interest in the Season of Creation liturgies, materials, and other resources. Please feel free to use them at will. There are no copyright requirements on any of the official Season of Creation materials, including but not limited to the Season of Creation Celebration Guide and other branded materials and resources. If you would like, you’re welcome to credit or mention that you are using a liturgy from the Season of Creation Celebration Guide and link to the appropriate website or PDF. But such a mention is not required. Thank you again for your interest and your great work.