Celebrating the Season of Creation, the Anglican Youth of Lebombos Diocese in Mozambique marched through the streets of Maxixe carrying the Anglican youth banners. 55 shade trees were planted to green the city.
The young people then had several talks. Rev Mpho Mohale representing the Provincial Youth Chaplain encouraged them to put on the whole armor of God and Canon Rachel from Green Anglicans talked about the sacredness of God’s earth. The youth were concerned to keep the sanctuary of the church clean, as the sanctuary of the Earth is filthy.
Canon Rachel shared how plastic does not break down, but breaks into smaller and smaller pieces that end up in our rivers and oceans. By 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans. She brought a message from the Archbishop calling on young people to take the lead on caring for creation.
In the afternoon there was a health exhibition where people could give blood and take various health tests, and an art exhibition where young people showcased their products.
A wonderful Eucharistic celebration followed led by Dom Carlos Matsinhe. The young people then followed with praise and worship until the early hours! In the morning the young people joined the morning Eucharist at the blessed Virgin Mary of Chambone church. Rev Mpho challenged the young people from the text of Jeremiah 2:7, saying “I brought you into a fertile land to eat its fruit and rich produce. But you came and defiled my land and made my inheritance detestable.”
Canon Rachel handed over the new youth manual in Portuguese “Cuidar da Creacao” to the archdeaconry youth leaders and chaplains. Provincial government officials who were present at the service were also given a copy by the Bishop.
After the service the young people cleaned up litter to leave the Mother Earth clean before
they boarded buses to return to different parts of Mozambique.