Christian communities around the world are taking up the charge to hope and act with creation during the Season of Creation. From the United Kingdom to Brazil, from South Africa to New Zealand, communities are preparing to celebrate this beautiful season together.
The Methodist Church of Southern Africa held an online event on the theme and roadmap for the Season of Creation 2024, which also discussed the history of the celebration and environmental justice in the region. The webinar can be viewed here.
Meanwhile, CEBI Brazil organized an online training in preparation for the Season of Creation, which is available for viewing here.
On September 7 in Raploch, Stirling, UK there will be a Creation Conference, organized by Justice and Peace Scotland; also on September 9 at St Dunstan’s Church, Woking, there will be a screening of the film ‘X Trillion’, about plastic pollution. More information on these activities here.
In addition, Green Christian has prepared special resources for living the season, as did the Diocese of Westminster Justice and Peace Commission, and the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales.
And in New Zealand, several events are planned for September 22: an outdoor reflective walk at St. Anne’s Anglican Church in Northland and St. Luke’s Anglican parish in Wadestown; and the Season of Creation liturgy on the feast of St. Francis of Assisi on October 4th, organized by the Archdiocese’s Ecology, Justice and Peace Commission. More information on these activities can be found here.
Remember that during this Season of Creation you have a unique opportunity to act in favor of creation. Plan your community activities with the free resources available here!
The Season of Creation is an ecumenical period dedicated to prayer and action for creation, celebrated from September 1st to October 4th. During this time, communities around the world come together to reflect on the importance of caring for the planet and taking concrete actions for its conservation.