Pope Francis called for “citizen presence” around the Global Climate Action Summit, an international gathering of nonstate actors committed to solving the climate crisis, taking place in San Francisco, California.
Citizen presence will come to life on September 8, the day of Rise for Climate marches in San Francisco and around the world. These resources will help you make the most of your march on September 8.

Register your event

Don’t forget to register your event in two places:

Sample Pulpit or Bulletin Announcement

Our faith calls us to witness to the need to protect creation and all who share it.  On September 8, we will march from starting place to ending place as part of the global Rise for Climate Action campaign. Please join us at time at specific location, such as “in the narthex”.  Children are welcome to join us.
We expect the walk to take about amount of time, such as 30 minutes.  We will be taking photos to share our Christian support for action on climate change with the global community.  You’re invited to bring a sign along with a hat and water bottle to keep cool.

Sample Flyer and Sign

  • Please see here for a flyer to hang in your church.
  • Please see here for a sign to print and take on your march.

A Suggested Prayer before Your March

God our Creator, we ask Your blessing on us marching here today.
Let us walk in peace and love as we testify to the healing Your creation cries out for.
God our Redeemer, we ask You to heal the harm to which we ourselves have contributed.
With faith in Your power to bring light to dark places, we go forth in hope.


Please be sure to send your photos to [email protected], a member of the Season of Creation steering committee.
Your photos may be featured on the Season of Creation website, in videos, and elsewhere!  You will help spread the message that Christians are taking action to protect creation.