To open the Season of Creation, leaders of Christian traditions are uniting to issue a joint declaration and hold a joint prayer service.
Live streaming will be provided starting August 31.
The list of participants is here and a flyer with more details is here.
The program for the two-day event is below, with all times being local to Assisi:
Live streaming will be provided starting August 31.
The list of participants is here and a flyer with more details is here.
The program for the two-day event is below, with all times being local to Assisi:
Friday August 31st, 2018
- 17.00: Welcoming participants at Vescovado of Assisi
- 17.30-19.30: The prayer’s first step at the Room of Renunciation, with the reflections of leaders
- 20.00-21.00: The prayer’s second step at the Basilica of St. Clare, chapel of St. Damian
Saturday September 1st, 2018
- 08.30: Pilgrims’ reception at the Room of Renunciation
- 08.45-09.15: The prayer’s third step at the Shrine of Renunciation
- 09.15: Start of the pilgrimage from Assisi to Gubbio, now in its 10th anniversary
- 10.00-11.00 The prayer’s fourth step outside the Upper Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Joint Ecumenical Declaration on Creation
- 11.00: Sending the spirit of St. Francis to COP24
The Season of Creation is led by an ecumenical steering committee:
- Act Alliance
- ARocha
- Anglican Communion Environmental Network
- Christian Aid
- Lausanne/WEA Creation Care Network
- Lutheran World Federation
- Global Catholic Climate Movement
- World Council of Churches
- World Communion for Reformed Churches
- World Evangelical Alliance