An ecumenical prayer service on 1 September will mark the launch of the 2021 edition of Season of Creation, a worldwide initiative to promote prayer and action for our common home.

Photo: Marcelo Schneider/WCC
Celebrated each year, Season of Creation starts 1 September, the Day of Prayer for Creation, and ends 4 October, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecology beloved by many Christian denominations.
The theme for the 2021 Season of Creation is “A Home for All? Renewing the Oikos of God,” based on Psalms 24:1.
Commenting on the 2021 theme, Douglas L. Chial, director of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Office of the General Secretariat, said: “understanding that wellbeing of the human family is intrinsically related to the wellbeing of the whole creation and we share a common responsibility to care for God’s creation”. Chial spoke on behalf of the WCC acting general secretary, Fr Ioan Sauca, who is currently on vacation.
“We are called to respond with commitment and faith in God’s love and protection especially for the vulnerable and including creation. We are called to work together to care for one another and for the entire planet so that every generation will know the love of God for all creation”, added Chial.
The prayer service will explore this theme through prayers from the tradition of Native American Christians. In this context, the phrase “the people” is a reference to all species, minerals and even stars in the heavens. Among these people are the human people, the plant people, the four-legged, flying and swimming peoples, rock people, star people and more. Underscoring the prayers is the idea that all “people” should find their home in the oikos of God.
One of the prayers of thanksgiving of the Season of Creation opening reads, in part:
“Creator God, look upon the creatures gathered here together and send us where you would have us go, so that we may embody the ministry of justice for your Creation through our being and acts. Walk with us so that we may face the winds of change and walk the good road. Protect and renew our common home. Enlighten us. Sustain us.”
Activities and resources to celebrate the Season of Creation are supported by an ecumenical steering committee and a coalition of partners from around the world.
Watch the prayer service live on Season of Creation YouTube channel
Watch the prayer service live on Season of Creation Facebook
Learn more and join Season of Creation 2021
Learn more about the WCC work on care for creation and climate justice