With excitement, the countdown to live the Season of Creation 2022 began with a launch event that was broadcasted live on Thursday, June 23. Representatives of different denominations encouraged reflection on this year’s theme, ” Listening to the Voice of Creation”, and the symbol of the “burning bush”.
In addition, this year’s Season of Creation Celebration Guide was presented, with practical indications to prepare for this ecumenical time, inviting Christian communities around the world to unite in action and prayer for creation. Suzana Moreira, coordinator of Eco-Conversion programs of the Laudato Si’ Movement moderated the meeting.
WATCH: Didn’t get a chance to watch it? It’s available here:
Representing the Anglican Alliance, Dr. Paulo Ueti was in charge of introducing the theme, mentioning the Old Testament and how fire was present. “It is very important to understand that no one should be left voiceless,” he said, mentioning the seriousness of the “silenced voices” of our day.
“There are some people to whom creation is speaking and we must listen to them in a careful way,” Dr. Ueti said, highlighting that as Christians it is our duty to pay special attention to this.
Next, Christina Leaño, Associate Director of the Laudato Si’ Movement spoke about the symbol of this Season of Creation: “The burning bush is connected to the theme and was chosen for several reasons: firstly, in reference to the physical fires that many of us experience around the world,” she said, mentioning places affected by fires.
On the other hand, the LSM director mentioned the story of the Exodus, from which the symbol was also inspired: “Fire is also a symbol of God’s presence close to each one of us. We are called to listen to the voice of creation with compassion to listen like God and to be present, just as God wanted to be present in our lives”.
Finally, he mentioned the symbol of “taking off our shoes, because we are on sacred ground, and our lifestyle is unsustainable, it disconnects us with creation.”
SHARE: This video explains this year’s symbol and theme.
Later, Rachel Mander, representing A Rocha, prayed the Season of Creation 2022 prayer. Then Fiona Connelly, ACT Alliance, introduced the Advocacy part of the Celebration Guide: “The oceans are rising and this is very worrying. We want to amplify the voices of those who see these things and are marginalized,” she said.
Mander listed the various ways to take action and connect with these issues and reviewed the Guide’s options to contact governments, for example. “Together we must commit to listening to and amplifying the voices of those who are marginalized by biodiversity loss,” he said.
Next it was the turn of Rev. Dr Chad Rimmer of the Lutheran World Federation, who encouraged the audience to reflect and take deep times to pray for creation, for each other and for silenced voices, with the Earth Examen that is in the Celebration Guide.
“What is it that we can do to promote the rest and health of this ecological place?” she asked and invited to do this small contemplative practice to reflect and prepare together for the ecumenical season.
Before concluding, Christina Leaño invited people to save the date for the global opening and closing events of the Season of Creation on September 1 and October 4: “These spaces will be a way to show our unity,” she said.
Finally, Rev. Dr Rachel Mash, of the Green Anglicans, invited people to visit the new website preachingforgodsworld.org, which includes thoughts and reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary readings for each Sunday.
The meeting concluded by listening together to a song depicting the burning bush, called “Blessed Restlessness.”