As we mark the start of the Season of Creation, here are a few activities that took place across the Anglican Church of Southern Africa! Please do share some pictures of how you are celebrating!

The Ecumenical youth of Cape Town got together on Friday the  1st of Sep and stared with  food and fellowship. They then watched the Pope’s video – “The Letter” and broke into discussion groups for serious discussions

On Sunday churches celebrated in many different ways – here are a few –

St Stephens Church in New Brighton – Bishop Edie Daniels planted a tree to mark the start of Season of Creation and Arbor month. The tree will form part of the Anglican Communion forest

St Andrews Alabama starting their season of creation with some special activities for the children.

St Phillips Grahamstown  planted a palm tree today to earmark the opening of season of creation

St Thomas Berea, Durban held an outdoor service to celebrate on the theme of  the Church and Creation. The service was held in the tea garden which has now been refreshed. An azalea bush was planted to celebrate the occasion.

St Thomas in Rondebosch welcomed Bishop Martin Gainsborough, Bishop of Kingston, as our preacher this morning. (Before becoming Bishop he was the Diocesan Environmental Coordinator for the Diocese of Bristol)

Church of the Ascension , Klein Drakenstein had a youth service – Rev Earl Richards challenging the young people to follow God’s call to care for creation.